sonicsense your partner for professional Audio and Video Entertainment

Your advantages at a glance

Music and video solutions for your business

Control your brand image and create positive customer experiences

Browse our music channels now

Spaces created by emotions

Whether we feel comfortable in a place and establish a positive bond is something we decide unconsciously at first. Acoustic and also visual impressions are first of all perceived by the subconscious and create the decisive emotions. Our passion is rich sounds and powerful images. We provide you with the perfect acoustic atmosphere, selected visual impressions and thus support your overall concept. Thus you give your rooms the final touch and create a motivating atmosphere.

Addressing all the senses

At any hour of the day, any day of the week, we bring the right sound and the right images into each of your rooms to create the right ambience even for a changing clientele, without you having to be active yourself. Worldwide. But not only that:

Picture and sound are also an influencing factor for your staff. Here, sounds, music and pictures decide on identification, motivation and performance.

Cooperation partners