Your No. 1 for music & visual entertainment and license full service
Retail, chain stores, gastronomy, hotels, fitness, wellness, shopping centers, therapy, fun parks, etc. - sonicsense offers the optimal solution for every commercial sector., Fun Parks etc. - sonicsense offers the optimum solution for every commercial sector.
sonicsense erzeugt mithilfe eigener, hochmoderner Technologien zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort die perfekte akustische Atmosphäre. Professionell und kontinuierlich kuratierte Musikprogramme, mit dem Welt-Musikrepertoire, oder unseren Kosten senkenden Premium Royalty-Free Kanäle, erfüllen Ihnen jeden Wunsch, vollautomatisch und weltweit. Steuern Sie remote alle Funktionen, erstellen Sie eigene Musikprogramme, oder lassen Sie einfach unsere Redaktion für Sie arbeiten. Alles ist möglich. More
Visual Entertainment
Captivating, inspiring, high quality. In our cost- and GEMA-free video programs, you and your customers will experience content from the areas of travel, nature, lifestyle, sports activity and current soccer highlights. Integrate your own advertising into the program free of charge if required and earn money through your own advertising partners. More
If you want to play well-known songs in your business premises, your fitness classes, at your own events or even in your telephone waiting loop, there is no way around a license agreement with GEMA. Our GEMA service team, with over 35 years of experience in music licensing, will take care of every conceivable form, registration and deadline monitoring task for you and secure you substantial discounts. And if you want to do without GEMA payments altogether, but not without the best music, we recommend Ihnen our premium GEMA-free channels. More