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sonicsense bietet Ihnen mit sonicStream eine weitere Variante des erfolgreichen Musikdienstes an. Mit dem neuen lokalen Streaming-Systems ist der Empfang von Musik aus einem ausschließlich lokalen Stream möglich, vom sonicstream-Player selbst generiert.
The obvious advantages for you are obvious:
For example, if you use wireless speakers or want to extend your existing system to other areas, this is easily possible with sonicstream. You save yourself the annoying, costly and time-consuming laying of additional cable runs. Connect, configure and the music sounds great in the desired locations.
In contrast to all other streaming sources, as with all other types of sonicsense service, you have almost unlimited control over your daily, fully automated and individually compiled music content. You can preset as many playlists as you like for different streams of visitors on specific days and times, embed your own audio clips into the program and play them separately for each sound zone, deselect/prefer individual tracks from the live program or mix several playlists into a new one - no problem with sonicStream either. You can even create and time any number of your own playlists with just a few clicks. If the Internet fails, sonicStream continues to stream without interruption because it generates its own Internet.
Der lokale Audio-Stream kann von allen gängigen Streamingeräten empfangen werden, zum Beispiel von
Apple • BOSE • PHILIPS • Pioneer • SONOS • Sony • Teufel • Streamit
but also from any smartphone or PC that is on site.
sonicStream can also be used to reach particularly discerning customers who want to enjoy very special playlists on their own headphones. In this way, you can also reach members who are "shielded" by headphones with a variety of extraordinary playlists.
sonicStream offers a selection of around 200 GEMA-required and GEMA-free channels. It has been specially developed for rooms that require maximum program effectiveness at low installation and operating costs.